FINAL v2 19 May 2020
Discussion during a focus group of local artists during fieldwork for this project illustrates the challenges of
local visual artists. edu. Pursuant to this aim we provide key statistics, discuss notable
‘hotspot’ enablers, and their context, and provide mini-cases studies which will be of benefit to the arts and
culture sector in Australia. e.
artists said they were attracted to Geraldton's lifestyle and area because of the supportive culture and
more affordable housing and rent compared to Perth. the ecosystem comprised many elements, but the connections were lacking)
audiences, particularly the difference between events and activities that were provided free versus
those that required a payment, such as selling art or attending a performance. Comparison with other Australian regions and
towns studied, through over 300 interviews, is an important component of how our views have been shaped
in this report. The research team gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people and
organisations for providing the information and insights that made this report possible:
Marina Baker, Gallery Officer, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery
Ross Barden, ‘Volunteer Management’ Geraldton Cultural Trust
Jane Barndon, Artist
Fred Block, City of Greater Geraldton
Julian Canny, ‘Ringleader’/Producer, Euphorium Creative
Kim Canny, Majek Collective
Mark Canny, Majek Collective
Trudi Cornish, Manager Libraries, Heritage and Gallery, City of Greater Geraldton
Cam Fitzgerald, Artist
Paula Fletcher, Acting Coordinator Art Gallery and Cultural Development, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery
Dr Howard Gray, Marine Ecosystem Expert and Economic Historian
Minna Hilton, Associate Producer, Euphorium Creative
Lynda Howitt, Artist (lyndahowitt. But it's worth noting that Geraldton has a number of public buildings that host art at
. The group was composed of two performing-arts practitioners, five visual artists, Chair of
the Geraldton Cultural Trust, a CGG representative with cultural responsibilities, and the manager and a staff
member from the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery.